Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fad Diets: A Quick Fix?

Fad dieters must be suffering from information overload. They have so many options when it comes to trying out the latest and greatest way to lose weight seemingly overnight. Lets begin with the HCG Diet. This plan of action only allows dieters to consume 500 calories a day while taking drops of HCG. Know what HCG is? The same hormone women produce when they are pregnant.  Eating only 500 calories a day? No wonder people see results. What about the Master Cleanse? Drink lemon water, syrup and cayenne pepper all day? I’ll pass. Don’t forget about the Tapeworm Diet – do I really have to explain this one? Ever heard of the Baby Food Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, or the Oatmeal Diet? No thank you. It doesn’t matter what these diets are called, they all fall under the same category of unhealthy scams.
Why is it that so many people fall for these fad diets?  They want to see dramatic results that require little effort.  Healthy weight loss does not occur overnight.  To get a body like an a-lister, you have to commit to it.  Many people say there aren’t enough hours in the day to make it to the gym but can somehow make time for Happy Hour.  Say you have one margarita. You just consumed somewhere around 300 calories that you will now have to work off if you want to see a change in the way your pants fit. Do you know how long it takes to work off 300 calories? Longer than it took to finish your drink. If you want to lose weight, make small changes to make it happen. Cut back on how many times you drink alcohol a week. Choose a salad over chicken fried chicken. Skip dessert. Take the stairs. Take the dogs for a morning and an evening walk. Small changes will make a big impact in the future.  You have to be realistic in your weight loss goals. There is no miracle cure.
The key to losing weight is not eating a grapefruit before every meal. Know that losing weight is a process that takes time. Keep track of how many calories you consume everyday and remember the way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. So next time your coworker brings muffins, remember how long it will take to eat that muffin and how long you’ll have to spend at the gym trying to remove it from your muffin top.
